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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Directors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/10/2024 1:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: EAA Board Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
REP 13-2030 1C.1GM AnnouncementsBoard Report· Staffing Items of Interest (anniversaries, new hires) · Recent Activities/Events (reports on conferences attended, meetings held, etc.) · Legislative Activity · Upcoming Activities/Events (conferences, meetings, etc.) · Operational Announcements (schedule changes, program updates, etc.) · Recent Activities of the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Program · Aquifer Conditions   Not available Not available
REP 13-2033 1D.12024-10 FinancialsStaff ReportReceive report from EAA staff on unaudited financial statements for October 2024.   Not available Not available
REP 13-2035 1E.1SCTWAC 2012 Biennial ReportBoard ReportReceive report from Gary Middleton - South Central Texas Water Advisory Committee (SCTWAC), regarding the SCTWAC 2024 Biennial Report on the Effectiveness of the Edwards Aquifer Authority.   Not available Not available
AI 13-3460 1F.1Approval of Board Minutes - November 2024Action ItemApproval of previous board meeting minutes - Regular Board Meeting - November 12, 2024   Not available Not available
AI 13-3462 1F.22024-10 Kemp SmithAction ItemConsider recommendation from the Executive Committee to approve payment to Kemp Smith, in the amount of $44,570, for legal services for October 2024.   Not available Not available
AI 13-3461 2G.1USFWS for Salamander StudyAction ItemConsider recommendation from the Executive Committee to approve a contract with the United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 2, Texas Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Conservation Office for the San Marcos Salamander Monitoring Study, in the amount of $111,322.24.   Not available Not available
REP 13-2032 1I.1Closed Session - Dec. 2024Board ReportClosed Session 1. Consultation with Attorney - Pending Litigation (§ 551.071) 2. Consultation with Attorney - Attorney/Client Privileged Consultations (§ 551.071) 3. Consultation with Attorney - Settlement Offers (§ 551.071) 4. Deliberations Regarding Real Property (§ 551.072) 5. Deliberations Regarding Personnel Matters (§ 551.074) 6. Deliberations Regarding Security Devices or a Security Audit (§§ 551.076, 551.089)   Not available Not available