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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Directors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 1:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: EAA Board Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
AI 13-3531 1C.1Election of Members to the EACAction ItemConsider appointment of an Edwards Aquifer Conservancy board member due to a resignation.   Not available Not available
REP 13-2082 1D.1GM AnnouncementsBoard Report· Staffing Items of Interest (anniversaries, new hires) · Recent Activities/Events (reports on conferences attended, meetings held, etc.) · Legislative Activity · Upcoming Activities/Events (conferences, meetings, etc.) · Operational Announcements (schedule changes, program updates, etc.) · Recent Activities of the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Program · Aquifer Conditions   Not available Not available
REP 13-2074 2E.12025-01 FinancialsStaff ReportReceive report from EAA staff on unaudited financial statements for January 2025.   Not available Not available
REP 13-2086 1F.1SCTWAC quarterly reportBoard ReportReceive report from Director Gary Middleton, South Central Texas Water Advisory Committee (SCTWAC) representative to the board, regarding downstream water conditions of the Guadalupe River Basin and current activities and issues of interest to SCTWAC.   Not available Not available
AI 13-3530 1G.1Approval of Board Minutes - Feb. 2025Action ItemApproval of previous board meeting minutes - Regular Board Meeting - February 11, 2025   Not available Not available
AI 13-3512 1G.22025 Trust ContractsAction ItemConsider recommendation from the Permits/Enforcement Committee to approve Groundwater Trust Transfer Contracts for 2025.   Not available Not available
AI 13-3513 1G.3Lennar Homes of TX BIG ConversionAction ItemConsider recommendation from the Permits/Enforcement Committee to approve a conversion of base irrigation groundwater owned by Lennar Homes of Texas Land and Construction, Ltd.   Not available Not available
AI 13-3521 3G.42025-01 Kemp SmithAction ItemConsider recommendation from the Executive Committee to approve payment to Kemp Smith, in the amount of $36,460, for legal services for January 2025.   Not available Not available
AI 13-3533 1H.1EAA EAC Support AgreementAction ItemReceive report from EAA staff and consider possible action regarding a proposed Services Agreement between the Edwards Aquifer Authority and the Edwards Aquifer Conservancy.   Not available Not available
AI 13-3532 1H.2Blanco Express UST compliance agreementAction ItemReceive report on and consider potential action on a compliance agreement regarding the underground tank system of 4G Enterprises, LLC.   Not available Not available
REP 13-2083 1J.1Closed Session - March 2025Board ReportClosed Session 1. Consultation with Attorney - Pending Litigation (§ 551.071) 2. Consultation with Attorney - Attorney/Client Privileged Consultations (§ 551.071) 3. Consultation with Attorney - Settlement Offers (§ 551.071) 4. Deliberations Regarding Real Property (§ 551.072) 5. Deliberations Regarding Personnel Matters (§ 551.074) 6. Deliberations Regarding Security Devices or a Security Audit (§§ 551.076, 551.089)   Not available Not available