Receive report on and consider potential action on a compliance agreement regarding the underground tank system of 4G Enterprises, LLC.
The board may make a motion regarding the proposed potential compliance agreement related to the underground tank system of 4G Enterprises, LLC, for the continued operation of its underground storage tank system and requirements to achieve full compliance with EAA rules.
The purpose of this agenda item is for the board to receive an update from 4G Enterprises, LLC, regarding the underground storage tanks (USTs) associated with its facility.
USTs were installed at the facility in April 1994, and the tanks are not tertiary contained. Section 713.607 (c) of the EAA’s rules indicates that “Irrespective of any other provision in these rules, thirty years from the date of the installation of a UST system, all UST systems located on the recharge zone shall:
(1) incorporate a method of tertiary containment through the major modification process; or
(2) remove the UST from service."
The facility is currently under a settlement agreement that requires it to have its UST system upgraded or drained by April 1, 2025.
Representatives for the facility contacted EAA staff inquiring as to what, if anything, the facility could do to remain in business past the April 1 deadline in order to get construction ready for the upgrade.
EAA staff will discuss the proposed agreement and answer any questions at the board meeting.
This agenda item supports the EAA's policy direction to prevent the pollution of the Aquifer.
This agenda item does not involve the procurement of goods or services by the EAA and, therefore, this section is not applicable.